
Further reading

Senior Master Wisniewski’s books are available for schools and organizations at a large-order discount.  They can be customized with the organization’s own logo’s and photos.

Books & Articles

The Secret ART of Protocol & Etiquette

Discover the pleasure in knowing the ART of showing proper respect for Seniors and Juniors in ALL situations

Taekwon-do TIMES Columnist

Since July 2013, Senior Master Wisniewski has been sharing his knowledge of how to apply science and biomechanics to make breaking easy.


Teach students & instructors the principals of leadership and the basics of instructing martial arts classes.

Referee Training

A professional & systematized method of teaching and training corner and center referees to judge patterns, sparring, or breaking at a martial arts competition.


All of Senior Master Wisniewski's works are registered with the Canadian intellectual property office and are copyrighted.